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Internationalization of React Native apps

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to add internationalization to an existing application in React Native. Before going further, please follow the setup guide for installation and setup instructions.

The React Native tutorial is similar to the one for React but here we will cover parts that are relevant for React Native and hopefully answer all questions you may have.


If you're looking for a working solution, check out the sources available here and the demo app on Expo.


This tutorial assumes you use Lingui >=4.0 and React Native >=0.70 or Expo 47, with the Hermes JavaScript Engine.

@lingui/core depends on several apis exposed by the Intl object. Support of the Intl object can vary across React Native and OS versions. If some Intl feature is not supported by your runtime, you can polyfill it.

See here for details about Intl support in the Hermes engine.

Polyfilling Intl apis

React Native does not support all Intl features out of the box and we need to polyfill Intl.Locale using @formatjs/intl-locale and Intl.PluralRules using @formatjs/intl-pluralrules.

Follow their installation instuctions and then import the polyfills at the top of your application entry file.

Example component

We're going to translate the following app:

import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View, Alert, SafeAreaView, Button } from 'react-native';

export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (

showAlert = () => {
Alert.alert('', 'Do you want to set all your messages as read?');

const Inbox = ({ messages, markAsRead, username }) => {
const messagesCount = messages.length;

return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.container2}>
<Text style={styles.heading}>Message Inbox</Text>

See all unread messages or
<Button onPress={markAsRead} title="mark messages as read" />

{messagesCount === 1
? `There's {messagesCount} message in your inbox.`
: `There are ${messagesCount} messages in your inbox.`}


As you can see, it's a simple mailbox application with only one screen.

Internationalization in React

Not surprisingly, this part isn't too different from the React tutorial.

First we need to wrap our app with I18nProvider and then we can use the Trans macro to translate the screen heading:

import { I18nProvider } from '@lingui/react'
import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro'
import { i18n } from "@lingui/core"
import { Text } from "react-native";

i18n.load('en', messages);

<I18nProvider i18n={i18n} defaultComponent={Text}>
<YourRootComponent someProp="someValue" />

// later on somewhere in the React element tree:
<Text style={styles.heading}><Trans>Message Inbox</Trans></Text>

We're importing the default i18n object from @lingui/core. The i18n object is covered in greater detail in the JavaScript tutorial.

This was easy. Now, let's translate the title prop in the <Button title="mark messages as read" /> element. In this case, Button expects to receive a string, so we cannot use the Trans macro here!

The solution is to use the t macro together with the i18n object which we can obtain from the useLingui hook. We use the two like this to get a translated string:

const { i18n } = useLingui()
<Button title={t(i18n)`this will be translated and rerendered with locale updates`}/>

Under the hood, I18nProvider takes an instance of the i18n object and passes it to Trans components through React Context. I18nProvider will also update the Context value (which rerenders components using the provided Context) when locale or message catalogs are updated.

The Trans components use the I18n instance to get the translations from it. If we cannot use the Trans component, we can use the useLingui hook to get hold of the i18n instance ourselves and get the translations from there.

The interplay of I18nProvider and useLingui is shown in the following simplified example:

import { I18nProvider } from '@lingui/react'
import { t, Trans } from '@lingui/macro'
import { i18n } from "@lingui/core";

<I18nProvider i18n={i18n}>
<YourRootComponent someProp="someValue" />

const Inbox = (({ markAsRead }) => {
const { i18n } = useLingui()
return (
<Text style={styles.heading}>
<Trans>Message Inbox</Trans>
<Trans>See all unread messages or</Trans>
<Button onPress={markAsRead} title={t(i18n)`mark messages as read`}/>

There are several ways to render translations: You may use the Trans component or the useLingui hook together with the t macro. When you change the active locale or load new messages, all the components that consume the Context provided by I18nProvider will re-render, making sure the UI shows the correct translations.

Internationalization outside of React

Until now, we have covered the Trans macro and the useLingui hook. Using them will make sure our components are always in sync with the currently active locale and message catalog.

However, often you'll need to show localized strings outside of React, for example when you want to show an Alert from some business logic code.

In that case you'll also need access to the i18n object, but you don't want to pass it around from some React component. Lingui uses a default i18n object instance that you can import as follows:

import { i18n } from '@lingui/core';

This instance is the source of truth for the active locale and the t macro implicitly uses this instance, unless you pass custom instance like this t(i18n)`some message`.

What that means is that in non-react code you can just call t`this will be translated` which will render the translation for currently active locale.

Changing the active locale

The last remaining piece of the puzzle is changing the active locale. The i18n object exposes two methods for that: i18n.load(catalogs) and i18n.activate(locale). Call the two methods one after another and the I18nProvider will pick up the change and re-render the translations. It all becomes clear when you take a look at the final code.

Rendering of translations

As described in the reference, by default, translation components render translation as a text without a wrapping tag. In React Native though, all text must be wrapped in the Text component. This means we would need to use the Trans component like this:

<Text><Trans>Message Inbox</Trans></Text>

You'll surely agree the Text component looks a little redundant. That's why the I18nProvider component accepts a defaultComponent prop. Just supply the Text component as the defaultComponent prop and the previous example can be simplified to:

<Trans>Message Inbox</Trans>

Alternatively, you may override the default locally on the i18n components, using the render prop. This is also documented in the reference.

Nesting components

It is worth mentioning that the Trans macro and Text component may be nested, for example to achieve the effect shown in the picture. This is thanks to how React Native handles nested text.


This can be achieved by the following code:

<Text style={{ fontSize: 20 }}>
<Text>Concert of </Text>
<Text style={{ color: 'green' }}>Green Day</Text>
<Text style={{ fontWeight: 'bold' }}> tonight!</Text>

The extracted string for translation will look like this:

"<0><1>Concert of </1><2>Green Day</2><3> tonight!</3></0>"

The important point here is that the sentence isn't broken into pieces but remains together - that will allow the translator to deliver a quality result.

Further reading